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on June 2, 2006 at 5:39:08 pm

The service-orientated-architecture PBwiki!


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Welcome to our SOA Group Wiki! This is a new facility offered free by Yahoo Groups. What shall we do with it? How shall we make use of it? That is down to you as members. As long as what you do is relevant to the Group and is not offensive or too stupid, do what you like.


Compared to message postings to the Group, I think people should have more latitude when it comes to publicising their products and services. Many of you are working in small outfits (sometimes one-woman bands) and can offer something positive to help the SOA community. Let us know about it. let us also know about any SOA events in which you are involved, commercial or otherwise.


Have fun!




I am opening up a page for the European SOA & Application Architecture Conference ( EuroSoaConference ) for members of this Group.


A preliminary ListOfPublications -- Stefan


I am opening a SoaEvents page for commercial and non-commercial events including physical conferences and online events. Please make sure that they are relevant to SOA!

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